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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why is it?.....

For some reason, Aaron is obsessed with sticks. We have bars in the sliding glass doors in our sun room for added security.  So much for keeping the burglars out, he carries them all over the house.  My Dad has a grabber to get the things he can no longer bend over to pick up and Aaron is enamored with it and wields it at you for the slightest of infractions.  It still amazes me how the simplest of things have become the most treasured toys for my little guy.  I've decided what he needs to be really cool is a light saber.  Then when he defends his toys from clean up he can truly have the force with him and Mommy will be terrified.

From the first sign of a red swollen gum that promised a new tooth, I have been brushing Aaron's teeth.  He thinks the little finger toothbrush is the greatest thing ever invented.  When I finish our twice a day ritual, he grabs the brush and the tube and spends about an hour with it in his mouth.  He loves the way the little nubbly bristles feel on his gums.  I can't stop laughing at him but I'm thrilled with the fact that he's so excited about brushing his teeth.

Aaron has an obsession with our produce cabinet. The onions, potatoes and peanuts are constantly being invaded by tiny fingers.  At one point I had potatoes all over the house and a little man who stuck raw potatoes in his mouth as toys.  It was so funny to see his face when he bit into the dirty spud and didn't like what he'd tasted.  When we put door latches on his cabinet, he would pull on the door, squat down to check out what was keeping it from opening, then look at me with a face that simply broke my heart. It was a look of Mommy how could you???  Getting into the spice cabinet and dumping half a bottle of steak seasoning all over himself and the floor ruined all the fun.

Kids don't need fancy expensive toys. They simply need their own creative imagination and a Mommy who is willing to let him explore the world with it.  I wish I knew what went on inside his little mind when he drags out pots and pans, potatoes and the yard stick and is so excited when I go into the bathroom and he gets to come too. He remembers where the fun stuff is and makes a bee line to it the second he gets close to them.  Such innocent, child like wonder makes me so proud to call him my son.

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