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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

When Did This Happen?

When I returned home from work today, I was greeted with a bone-chilling squeal of delight from the little man who was thrilled to see Mommy finally return.  It was a difficult parting this morning as he cried when his Dad left, calling out "Hey Da, Da" as he watched his best buddy head off to work. He clung to me as I rushed to finish getting ready and refused to be consoled by anything including a cup of milk as he dug his little fingers into my shoulder and tightened his little legs around my waist begging to be held, when I needed him to settle down and go back to bed no matter how much my heart screamed to just stay home.

He spent the entire afternoon with his new found voice, screaming over everything.  Demanding another bite of food, the toy that was just out of reach, the dog's attention and anything else that he desired. You never knew what was wrong or if anything really was. He just loved the new sound he was able to make and practiced it a lot.  When did this happen? When did he learn to scream and how quickly can I teach him that this is not only no fun but hurts his throat.  Yeah, that's the excuse I'm going to use to discourage his new found accomplishment.

That precious little mouth has also learned how to bite. I was so excited when he got his first teeth, which he cut two at a time, and how big he was to have the beginnings of getting away from formula and on to real food.  As the rest of his now six teeth made their way in, I endured sleepless nights, low- grade fevers and general fussiness, all in a loving attempt to show my little man that no matter what,  Mommy was always going to be there to love and comfort him.  When he needed me, no matter how many sleepless nights we had to endure, Mommy would be there without complaint.  Stop the music!  Those teeth that I was so elated for have now become weapons.  Yep, you guessed it! Aaron Timothy, my darling angel, BITES!
You won't give me another drink of soda from the glass, it's on now Mom!

Not his spoon, his bib or even his food.  No, he's moved on to bigger and better. Mommy! And it doesn't stop there. He bites his Dad and even his Grandpa.  He's yet to wield his new weapon of choice on the dog, our chocolate lab Gracie (who isn't his biggest fan anyway, unless of course he's trying to share his food with her or she happens upon his snacks in his diaper bag) yet but it's only a matter of time.  Yeah, this isn't a good thing.  When he doesn't get what he wants, he clamps down.  When you tell him no, look out! He's getting even. When he's bored, you got it, he's biting.  The worst sound a Mother can hear is Ouch! from the next room and walking in on G Da with 6 little indents in his skin and a screaming baby who's been corrected for his misdeed.  When exactly did he learn this was good?  Oh! The joys of Motherhood.  It's a non-stop roller coaster of dirty diapers, blistered diaper rash and peeing in the bath water.  Luckily, the sweet moments when his head smells of baby shampoo and he's content to be laying on my chest, listening to my heart beat and playing with angels and Grandma in his dreams.  I wouldn't have it any other way!

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