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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mommy Moment

While working on some things, I left Aaron alone in his little gated community. It's not as bad as it sounds. He has the entire kitchen and sun room to destroy with Hurricane Aaron, I promise you the little guy is in no way deprived.  After a while, I noticed there was silence coming from the direction I left my climbing paper shredder.  When I went in to check on him, I discovered that he had found a comfy pillow on the floor to curl up with and take his nap.  It was so precious I just had to grab the camera. And I couldn't resist the urge to cover him up.  He stayed there for over 2 hours, happily dreaming of Grandma and playing with angels.  Next time he screams when I put him down for a nap, I'm going to remind myself if given enough time to settle, he will drift off to dreams and peacefully rest without any coaxing from Mommy.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Little Chuckle....

While making breakfast for my little man and I this morning, I had to wash a pan to fix his scrambled egg with cheese. I've never been the neatest dish washer (when I actually wash dishes...shhh!!) I accidentally slopped water all over the place, on the sink, down the cabinet, on myself, the floor and ultimately little Aaron. He stood there looking at me with that how could you face and I just had to laugh. I tried to console him by telling him Mommy was wet too but it didn't fly.  He was playing with the water drips on the cabinet, then sat down and was grabbing at the wet spot on his pants. 

I felt so guilty and my heart skipped a beat. More out of pain than anything. I'm thankful it wasn't scalding hot and that he would dry.  I love that little man so much...he makes me so proud. And thankfully after some kisses and yummy scrambled egg, he forgot all about it and all was forgiven!

Good Morning World

My Dad often says, "I wish I could wake up as happy as he is in the mornings". Aaron wakes up laughing, giggling and happy to see everyone in his world. He doesn't remember the day before and is so excited to get started with this new beginning that he just brightens up even the gloomiest of days.

What a way to look at life!  You forget anything bad that happened before you went to sleep, you slept like a baby, pardon the pun and when you woke up there were all the people you love and who treat you like you're special and you can't wait to play with them.  Oh how I wish I still had that outlook on life.

I sleep in Aaron's room with him, on a mattress on the floor. Yes, I may be over protective but it's easier to get up from a few inches away and tend to his needs than to leave him bawling in his room while I struggle to wake up, stumble in and make matters worse.  When he's ready to get up but I'm still begging for a few more minutes sleep, he will take his stuffed Winnie the Pooh and throw him out of his crib and onto the floor. I toss it back, sometimes playfully hitting him with the plump yellow bear on the way back over the crib rail. It's a simple game yet brings such joy to my little man. 

He will stick his hands and feet through the rungs of his crib and I will tickle them as he pulls them back inside.  But they magically reappear just seconds later and our fun continues. There truly is nothing like play time with Aaron no matter where it is or how small the game.

Things Aaron Taught Me....

When you fall down, cry for a second. More because you're scared and embarrassed, not because you're hurt. Then laugh it off. Get up and go on.  There's too many great new things to explore to stay focused on one tiny fall, even if it is flat on your face.

Monday, September 26, 2011


After celebrating the big 1st Birthday of my little boy, I realized that so much happens when you blink that without even realizing it, the moments that your heart takes pictures of fade and you're left with a fuzzy blur of precious isms and breath taking seconds that you can't get back. 
He was unplanned, the last thing I expected and the only thing in life I've ever truly wanted.  I went from shock, to fear and through a roller coaster of emotions and feelings that paved the way for something truly special wrapped up in the most perfect little body.  I want a place to record the good, the bad and the spectacular and capture them forever.

Some day, he will read this blog and laugh, cry, die of embarrassment, want to kill me and some day find it a cherished reminder of the love between his mother and the little boy that changed her life and made her a better person just by taking his first breath.